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Lowongan Kerja PT Platinum Ceramics Industry Terbaru Juli 2022 | Ada 7 posisi yang dibutuhkan

PT Platinum Ceramics Industry (PT PCI) is a leading ceramic tiles manufacturer that puts quality and innovation of its products ahead. Established in October 19, 1971, we were firstly known as PT Asia Industri Keramik. We have produced many varieties of ceramic tiles for floors, walls, and decorations with the best quality and has been distributed towards millions of our customers around the world.  PT PCI owns two widely know brands: Platinum Ceramics and Asia Tile. All of our products under our brands put forward a high standard in manufacturing process through continuous innovations and emphasize on consistence of quality. Our factory is the first ceramic tiles factory in Indonesia that uses digital automation machine with modern technology to produce ceramic tiles. All of our product range has passed the based on the SNI & EN standard from LPBPK Bandung Laboratory as well as overseas.

PT Platinum Ceramics Industry (PT PCI) is a leading ceramic tiles manufacturer that puts quality and innovation of its products ahead. Established in October 19, 1971, we were firstly known as PT Asia Industri Keramik. We have produced many varieties of ceramic tiles for floors, walls, and decorations with the best quality and has been distributed towards millions of our customers around the world.

PT PCI owns two widely know brands: Platinum Ceramics and Asia Tile. All of our products under our brands put forward a high standard in manufacturing process through continuous innovations and emphasize on consistence of quality. Our factory is the first ceramic tiles factory in Indonesia that uses digital automation machine with modern technology to produce ceramic tiles. All of our product range has passed the based on the SNI & EN standard from LPBPK Bandung Laboratory as well as overseas.

We are committed in presenting latest products by forming a research team that attends important world-class trade show on a daily basis in order to stay current within the international trends in terms of design, style, end process, and application. These efforts are made to serve the best products for our customers’ satisfaction.

Our products have been used in many housings, hotels, office, malls, and various other projects. We provide Project Support Team to recommend specific suitable products, colors and design for each project towards developers, architects, and contractors. We also provide Customer Support Hotline to handle every requirement and complaints from customers, by giving guarantee in the form of response and solutions for the submitted inquiries regarding Platinum Ceramics Industry in general. (Dikutip dari web resminya www.platinumceramics.com)

Mengutip informasi lowongan pekerjaan terbaru yang dibagikan di instagram pada (26/07). Saat ini, PT Platinum Ceramics Industry sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan baru untuk mencari kandidat-kandidat terbaik bangsa yang memenuhi kualifikasi di bawah ini. Berikut uraiannya:

Kualifikasi Khusus:


  • Lulusan D3/S1 Teknik Mesin


  • Lulusan D3/S1 Teknik Mesin


  • Lulusan D3/S1 Teknik Mesin


  • Lulusan SMK/D3/S1 Perkakas/Mesin


  • Lulusan D3/S1 Listrik


  • Lulusan D3/S1 Teknik Industry


  • Lulusan SMK & memiliki SIO

Kualifikasi Umum:

  • Laki-laki
  • Usia Maksimal 32 tahun
  • Jurusan releven dengan posisi yang dilamar
  • Freshgraduate dipersilahkan melamar
  • Bersedia kerja dengan sistem 3 shift
  • Komunikatif dan memiliki kemauan belajar tinggi
  • Mampu bekerja sama dengan team
  • Memiliki pengalaman dibidang yang sama
  • Sistem Karyawan Outsourching PT Surya Gading Mandiri, Sidoarjo dan PT Mirkel Indonesia, Surabaya
  • Penempatan di PT Platinum Ceramics Industry, Wringinanom – Gresik

Cara Melamar:

Jika anda tertarik dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi lowongan ini, silahkan kirimkan CV terbaru anda ke:


Subject Email : Posisi Yang Dilamar

Pendaftaran paling lambat 30 Juli 2022

Catatan : Proses rekrutmen & seleksi pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun.


Jl. Panglima Sudirman No.23-25, Embong Kaliasin, Kec. Genteng, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60271.

Daftarkan segera diri anda jika memenuhi kualifikasi di atas. Jangan lupa siapkan berkas lamaran kerja anda secara lengkap. Good Jobs


Jika kawan-kawan tertarik dengan pekerjaan ini, silahkan mendaftar dengan mengisi form dan mengirim CV melalui link yang tertera di atas.

Kandidat yang akan dihubungi adalah kandidat yang memenuhi semua persyaratan di atas. Jangan lupa bagikan dan tag teman-teman yang membutuhkan lowongan kerja yah!

Cek informasi lowongan kerja lainnya DISINI.