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Lowongan Kerja Admin GA (General Affair) PT Forisa Nusapersada

PT. Forisa Nusapersada was established in 1995, focusing on the production and marketing of various beverages, particularly in the form of pulverized powder, that are of high quality and of which many local as well as international consumers are tremendously enthusiastic about. At present, Forisa's head office is in Jakarta, with a wide distribution network for its products to market them not only domestically but also covering various parts of the world.  The Company is always committed to the fact that whatever is being produced, it is the end result of creativity and innovation, determined to always satisfy the direct consumers. This effort has been materialized by the success of such popular brands as POP ICE, NUTRIJELL and SISRI TEA. With these well-known brands, as well as application of Food Safety Management, Forisa has developed significantly and is now considered to be one of the strongest players in the country's beverage industry. (Dikutip dari web resminya www.forisa.co.id)

PT. Forisa Nusapersada was established in 1995, focusing on the production and marketing of various beverages, particularly in the form of pulverized powder, that are of high quality and of which many local as well as international consumers are tremendously enthusiastic about. At present, Forisa's head office is in Jakarta, with a wide distribution network for its products to market them not only domestically but also covering various parts of the world.

The Company is always committed to the fact that whatever is being produced, it is the end result of creativity and innovation, determined to always satisfy the direct consumers. This effort has been materialized by the success of such popular brands as POP ICE, NUTRIJELL and SISRI TEA. With these well-known brands, as well as application of Food Safety Management, Forisa has developed significantly and is now considered to be one of the strongest players in the country's beverage industry. (Dikutip dari web resminya www.forisa.co.id)

Mengutip berita lowongan kerja yang dibagikan oleh akun instagram @lokerbumn.indo pada (15/07). Saat ini, PT Forisa Nusapersada sedang membuka lowongan kerja terbaru untuk mengajak anda gabung dan berkembang bersama. Berikut informasinya:


Admin GA (General Affair)


  • Pria/Wanita
  • Usia 20 -28 tahun
  • Detail, teliti dan teratur
  • Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK Sederajat – D3
  • Memiliki pengalaman minimal1 tahun di bidang yang sama
  • Menguasai penggunaan Excel (Vlookup, Hlookup, Pvot, etc)
  • Terbiasa dengan Filling Data
  • Bersedia di Penempatan di Kawasan Industri Cikupamas,Tangerang

Cara Melamar:

Jika anda tertarik dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi lowongan ini, silahkan kirimkan CV terbaru anda ke:


Subject Email : Nama_Admin GA

Catatan : Proses rekrutmen & seleksi pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun.


Kawasan Industri Cikupa Mas Jalan Cikupamas Raya, Jl. Bumi Mas Raya II No.7, Talaga, Kec. Cikupa, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15710.

Demikian informasi lowongan kerja hari ini yang bisa mimin bagikan disini. Jika kalian berminat untuk mendaftar, pastingan berkas lamaran kerja anda sudah lengkap. Goo Jobs


Jika kawan-kawan tertarik dengan pekerjaan ini, silahkan mendaftar dengan mengisi form dan mengirim CV melalui link yang tertera di atas.

Kandidat yang akan dihubungi adalah kandidat yang memenuhi semua persyaratan di atas. Jangan lupa bagikan dan tag teman-teman yang membutuhkan lowongan kerja yah!

Cek informasi lowongan kerja lainnya DISINI.